record PROTECT RC 2 and RC 3 – Effective burglar resistance with efficient energy saving properties

This battery monitoring system (BAT) is for use with escape door systems in the UK and Denmark. The BAT is fitted to the drive and monitors performance and power, and provides an alert to under performance or power failure.

Like a chameleon, the automatic sliding door record STA 20 Frameless fits in with the building. With the frameless all-glass door wing without door profiles and with low actuator height it underlines the overall concept in terms of aesthetics and design. Its unadorned and unobtrusive character makes it a perfect fit for indoor areas of administration and office buildings and also for restaurants, hotels or private homes.
The record STA 20 Frameless is based on the well-established record system 20 and apart from offering an extraordinarily quiet running action closes off a room in an aesthetic and convenient manner.

The robust STA 22 automatic door is particularly suitable for special entrances and applications, which require heavier door leaves. The operator technology in this model is particularly stable and reliable and has maintained its position successfully in the market for many years.
record's classic single or double leaf automatic sliding doors are exceptionally versatile and meet a wide range of challenging requirements. The STA 22 model has opening widths of 800mm to 3,000 mm and can accommodate door weights of up to 1 x 250 or 2 x 200 kilos.